Subscan Database Routine Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for
After careful consideration, we have decided to cancel the plan, as we have already resolved the database issue through other technical solutions. We believe this is the better solution for now.
Posted Mar 09, 2023 - 06:45 UTC
To address the recent issue of an unstable API, we need to upgrade the database version. During the upgrade, the Subscan API for acala-testnet/arctic/bifrost-rococo/clover-test/dolphin/karura-rococo/kilt/moonbase/origintrail-rococo/pangolin-parachain/pangolin2/pangoro2/polymesh-test/rockmine/rococo/shibuya/subspace/westend will be unavailable. We will post any updates related to this maintenance on our status page.
Posted Mar 09, 2023 - 04:13 UTC